homemade kurkure thumbnail pinit K Kurkure S snack
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Homemade Kurkure | Rice Kurkure | Crispy Kurkure

Hey there! Are you a fan of kurkure, the popular Indian snack made with puffed rice and spices? If so, you’re in luck, because today I’m going to be sharing a recipe for homemade kurkure that you can make in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Kurkure is a tasty and addictive snack that’s perfect for munching on while watching a movie or hanging out with friends. It’s also a great option for kids’ parties or as a snack for school.
Making kurkure at home is easy and affordable, and it’s a fun activity to do with the whole family. Plus, you can customize the flavors to your liking by experimenting with different spices and seasoning mixes.

Eggless thumbprint cookies TN pinit E Eggless Cookies T Thumbprint Cookies
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Eggless Thumbprint cookies | Jam Cookies | The Perfect Thumbprint cookies

Thumbprint cookies are a classic treat that are perfect for any occasion. They are made by rolling a ball of cookie dough in your hands, pressing your thumb into the center to create a “thumbprint,” and filling the indentation with a sweet filling. This eggless version of the recipe is perfect for those who follow a plant-based or egg-free diet, or for those who simply don’t have any eggs on hand. The cookies are soft, chewy, and have a delicious buttery flavor. They are a great option for a sweet snack or dessert and are sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike.

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