
Mango Bread Rasmalai is a creative and delightful fusion dessert that combines the classic ras malai flavors and the tropical sweetness of mango, all on a base of soft, flavorful bread. Here’s what makes this dessert so special:

The foundation of this dessert is a roundel of soft, bread. The bread soaks up the flavors beautifully, adding a unique texture and taste to the dish.

The highlight of this dish is the luscious mango custard that is generously poured over the Bread Malai. Made with ripe, juicy mangoes, the custard adds a tropical sweetness and a creamy texture that perfectly complements the Bread Rasmalai.

The dessert is elegantly garnished with slivers of almonds and pistachios, adding a satisfying crunch and a touch of luxury. A sprinkle of saffron strands or a dash of cardamom powder enhances the aromatic profile.

Mango Bread Rasmalai is often served chilled, making it a refreshing treat, especially during the summer months. Its vibrant colors and enticing layers make it as visually appealing as it is delicious.

This innovative dessert is perfect for special occasions, festive celebrations, or simply to impress your guests with a unique and mouthwatering sweet dish. Mango Bread Rasmalai combines the best of traditional Indian sweets with a modern twist, creating a delightful culinary experience that is sure to leave everyone craving for more.

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Difference Between Mango Bread Rasmalai and Authentic Rasmalai

Bread Rasmalai and Authentic Rasmalai are both delicious Indian desserts, but they differ significantly in terms of ingredients, preparation, and texture. Here’s a detailed comparison:

Ingredients for mango bread rasmalai and Authentic Rasmalai:

  • Authentic Rasmalai:
    • Rasgullas: Soft, spongy balls made from paneer (Indian cottage cheese).
    • Ras: A rich, creamy milk syrup flavored with cardamom, saffron, and sometimes rose water.
    • Sweeteners: Sugar is used in both the rasgullas and the milk syrup.
  • Mango Bread Rasmalai:
    • Bread: Slices or roundels of bread, typically slightly toasted.
    • Ras: Similar to authentic ras malai, it uses a rich, creamy milk syrup flavored with cardamom and saffron.
    • Additional Flavors: Often includes additional elements like mango custard for a tropical twist.


  • Authentic Rasmalai:
    • Paneer Balls: The paneer is kneaded, shaped into balls, and cooked in a sugar syrup until spongy.
    • Milk Syrup: Milk is reduced until thick, sweetened, and flavored, then the rasgullas are soaked in this syrup to absorb the flavors.
  • Bread Rasmalai:
    • Bread Preparation: Bread slices are cut into roundels.
    • Assembly: The bread is soaked or layered with creamy milk syrup and sometimes topped with additional elements like mango custard.
    • Soaking Time: Unlike the long soaking time for rasgullas in authentic ras malai, bread absorbs the syrup more quickly.


Authentic Rasmalai is a more traditional and labor-intensive dessert, focusing on the unique texture of the paneer-based rasgullas. Mango Bread Rasmalai, on the other hand, offers a quicker, fusion-style alternative, substituting bread for the rasgullas and often incorporating the flavors of mango, making it an innovative twist on the classic recipe.

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Delicious Mango Bread Rasmalai Recipe

Prep Time 20 mins Cook Time 20 mins Total Time 40 mins
Servings: 4


For Bread Malai Mixture

For Mango Custard


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  1. Take 8 slices of bread and cut out the center part using a Katori.

  1. For the Malai Mixture, In a bowl mix milk powder, fresh cream, Mango pulp and chopped nuts. Mix well Spread it over a bread roundel, and sandwich it using another bread roundel. Similarly, Make 3 malai bread sandwiches using the roundels and set them aside.

  1. Mix custard Powder in milk and set aside.

  1. Boil 500 ml milk, Add condensed Milk and mix well. Once the boil appears, pour the custard mix and stir well, cook on low flame until the Milk thickens. Once the required consistency is achieved switch off the flame and allow it to cool for some time.

  1. After cooling, Mix half cup of Mango pulp to custard Milk. stir well and the Mango Custard Milk is ready.

  1. Arrange the Bread roundels on the setting tray, Pour the Mango custard Milk over it. Garnish with chopped nuts and Mango chunks.

  1. Serve chilled.
Keywords: Mango Bread Rasmalai, Bread Rasmalai, Mango Dessert, Dessert Recipe, Mango Recipes

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