
Suji Halwa, also known as semolina pudding, is a traditional Indian dessert renowned for its rich, comforting taste and easy preparation. This classic dish is made from suji (semolina), ghee (clarified butter), sugar, and water or milk, often garnished with various nuts and raisins for added texture and flavor.

Suji Halwa is not just a dessert; it holds cultural and emotional significance. It is commonly prepared as an offering (prasadam) in temples and during religious rituals. Additionally, it is a comfort food that brings back memories of home-cooked meals and family gatherings.

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Suji Halwa for Offering

Suji Halwa, also known as Rava Sheera, is a revered and traditional Indian sweet often prepared as an offering (prasadam) in temples and during religious ceremonies. This dessert is cherished not only for its delicious taste but also for its simplicity and the spiritual significance it holds.

Taste Experience

When you take a bite of Suji Halwa, you first notice its warmth and inviting aroma, thanks to the ghee and cardamom. The initial taste is sweet and buttery, with a rich, nutty undertone from the roasted semolina. As you savor it, the subtle hints of cardamom become more pronounced, adding an aromatic spiciness that enhances the overall flavor.

The texture plays a significant role in the taste experience. The smooth, creamy consistency of the halwa is punctuated by the occasional crunch of nuts and the chewiness of raisins, making each bite interesting and enjoyable.


Suji Halwa offers a harmonious blend of sweet, nutty, and aromatic flavors, combined with a rich and buttery texture. It’s a dessert that not only pleases the palate but also provides a comforting and satisfying eating experience. Whether enjoyed warm or at room temperature, Suji Halwa is a treat that evokes warmth, tradition, and a sense of home.

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Easy Suji Halwa: A Quick and Delicious Dessert

Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 20 mins Total Time 30 mins
Servings: 4


To fry Dry Nuts

For Halwa


  1. Pour 2 tbsp ghee into a heated pan, Roast cashews and almonds for 1 minute, then add raisins and pistachios roast until raisins puff up. Remove and set aside.

  1. To the same pan add half cup of ghee and half cup of semolina, Roast for 5-6 minutes. Add cardamom for flavor.

  1. Next, pour water stir and dissolve all the lumps, cover and cook in low flame for 2 minutes.

  1. After 2 minutes of cooking, Add saffron water and sugar continue to cook in low flame. Add roasted dry nuts and cook for 3-4 minutes until a smooth texture is formed.

  1. Once the smooth texture is formed, transfer Halwa to the serving dish and Enjoy.
Keywords: Suji Halwa, Halwa Recipe, Indian Desserts, Indian Sweets, Festive Sweet

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